Sep 27, 2013

Decision time: 10k or half marathon?

OK, in my previous post "10k or half marathon" I said I would...

... try to run about 2 or 3 times a week this month to see if I can reach again my longest training route so far of 9k comfortably and see what kind of times I do...

before deciding by the end of September whether to run the 10k or attempt my first half marathon at the Lanzarote Internation Marathon 2013 on the 8th of December. 

Well, this is how it went: the first couple of weeks I only manage to run twice 3k in about 22 minutes each. And then it went down hill. 

I won't bore you with the reasons why (although I did have some unexpected traumatic enough experience - if that doesn't justify it, I don't know what would!). 

Anyway, despite of my lack of training, I still manage to run a local 5k charity race "Juntos por la Vida" last Saturday in 33 minutes & 45 seconds. To many, not a great mark. But I'm still proud of it, all the same. 

Photo compliments of Lancelot Digital
So, let's cut to the chase: 10k it is. 

As soon as my visitors are gone in two weeks, I'll start a semi-serious training schedule to attempt to run 10k in under an hour which would be my personal best. This is my goal now. 

Don't forget the registration fees discount get reduced on the 1st of October & they are full price from the 1st of December - so, what are you waiting for to register?

The post that started it all: 10k or half marathon?

Sep 26, 2013

MFT # 12 - My very own Dream Doodle!!!

OMG!!!!! Remember my last post about Dream Doodles by Lyn

Today, as a thank you for the post, Lyn Phillips surprised me by sending me this:

my very own Dream Doodle

I am a very happy bunny!!!

Many thanks Lyn!!!

close up

Enjoyed it? Click here to check out more of my favourite things. 

Sep 19, 2013

MFT # 11 - Dream Doodles by Lyn

Lyn Phillips is originally from Liverpool but now she is based in Lanzarote. She does these doodles that are A-MA-ZING! 

I tend to prefer realistic paintings but these (mainly) monochrome geometric drawings have me mesmerised.   
I could spend hours browsing her page Dream Doodles by Lyn

Choosing the ones I like the most is proving an impossible task, honestly. But I'll give it a go. 

Here are some featuring specially animals, hands & hearts: 
Butterfly and the key of life
Lyn has some of her doodles for sale at the gorgeous Absolutely Fabuloso shop in Tías (Lanzarote) so don't be shy - pop into the shop or and contact her through her page, if you like what you see. 

She also the accepts commissions occasionally, if you like her style but don't quite find the design you want.  So please bear in mind that because of the nature of Lyn's art, the end result might not come out exactly as you imagined it. 

"It's difficult to explain but I sort of switch my mind off while I'm drawing and sometimes my pen takes its own direction", Lyn says. Well, your pen can take whatever direction wants, as far as I'm concerned. 

Enjoyed it? Click here to check out more of my favourite things. 

Sep 15, 2013

MFT # 9 - Wonderwall x 3

I have always loved this song by Oasis. The beat, the instrumentals, the lyrics... It's like a magnet, it's strange. I don't seem to get tired of listening to it over and over again. 

Weirdly, I also adore in equal measure a cover version that was made to make it look like it was the original from the 50s by Mike Flowers Pops. I think it's very cleverly done, don't you?

And finally I have recently discovered another cover version which again, ticks all the boxes for me. Not better than the original but it does comes pretty close to it, in my humble opinion.

Which of these 3 is your favourite?
Do you know any other cover version of this song?

Did you like this post? You might enjoy browsing through other of my favourite things then.

Sep 12, 2013

MFT # 8 - Vanderbilt

I am not good with smells, which can be a blessing in disguise. Regarding perfumes all I distinguish is between fresh and sweet. I like fresh smells generally. 

This one though is a bit sweeter though. I'm not too sure whether my grandmother wore this particular one or something very similar. Maybe that's why I like it. Because it reminds me of her.  

I have found it again a couple of years ago and I can't get enough of it. It's become MY perfume. 

Want to know other of my favourite things? Click here!

Sep 11, 2013

MFT # 7 - Firetrap shoes (swap I)

I fell in love (once again) the minute I saw them. 
Firetrap Dillis Court Shoe 

So madly in love that I had to buy them, even if they were a size too small. The sales were on and my number wasn't available anymore. But it didn't matter at the time. I HAD to have them. 

My heart was broken shortly afterwards: after wearing them only a few times I had to admit the pain was too much. Luckily I swap them with a friend, for another gorgeous pair of shoes. If you want to see those, you'll have to stay tuned... I'll keep you posted!

Here is me modelling them with matching red frilly socks, one of my crafty contraptions, to much the oh! so sexy red stitching. 

Enjoyed it? Click here to check out more of my favourite things. 

Sep 9, 2013

NYR results - August

Again, a bit into the second week of the following month, here come the August results:
  • NYR # 1 - Run
1a. Carrera Popular Barranco Quíquere on the 3rd of August.

OMG! I have never felt as unprepared for a race as this one. But I HAD to do it. Its course was practically the same as the route that I did when I first started running in Lanzarote. I love the views from the dirt track that borders along the ocean from Puerto del Carmen to Puerto Calero. At one point my feet seemed to know every stone, every little bump in this... bumpy path.

I started by walking only a fraction of it. Little by little I increased the distance. And then one day I started jogging. At every corner I discovered new  things. Until I reached the "Barranco de Quíquere". Wow, I could see Puerto Calero from there!  This is actually about a third of the way. Eventually I manage to do it all & almost back!

The "Barranco" bit is a bit tricky for runners, because of the narrow & irregular steps going down the ravine & then up again. Other than that I always thought it would make a beautiful course for a race. And then, I read that they were organising the very 1st one. Right there. Although I run along the strip mostly these days, the PDC-PC route was my first (running) love. I couldn't not do it!

I considered even changing my 10km registration for a 5km one, after the first (& sadly) only training session that the organisers did the week previous to the race. But my pride (& shame, in equal measures) prevented me from requesting it.

after the 1st (& only) training session

And the day of the race arrived, I felt as unprepared as ever. I did almost every thing you are not supposed to do before a race. But I didn't give up. Instead,  I decided to enjoy the day & try to make it to the finish line... alive! And I did. Among the last 5 participants. But I don't care. I did it.

starting the race, up hill - why not?
Result: passed. 

  • NYR # 2 - Read
I read La cabaña by William Paul Young, in English The Shack, over the last couple of months. Hardly a mega achievement, but I finished it!

I have also started reading short stories from a blog. But more of it next month, as I'm tempted to switch to it from book reading... we'll see.

Result: passed. 

  • NYR # 3 - Eat
Mmmm, nothing really springs to mind, except for a couple of batches of muffins, banana and courgette - no, not together! And a failed chocolate one that we shall never speak of (ever) again.

Result: Passed. 

  • NYR # 4 - Walk 
Kept walking the mutts daily. 

Also I attended the 2nd "Quedada" (meeting) of the Cochinilla Trail on the Sunday the 25th. Because I hadn't been training I decided to just walk the 10,5k race course, at least to familiarise myself with the route. But some of my friends arrived late so about 15 minutes into the walk I went back to pick them up. And then we got lost, taking a turn to early. We estimate we just walked about 7k. But we made some friends along the way and we have a great time. 

Result: passed. 

Runners & walkers at the 2nd Cochinilla Trail meeting.
Everybody  minus my friends!

Sumarising... passed x 4 = happy month. 

Here is the post that started it all: New Year Resolutions for 2013.

Sep 7, 2013

MFT # 6 - 9 to 5

A blast from the past, a friend of mine got one of these as a birthday present when we were teenagers. I (secretly) envied her, as I wanted one myself...

The words "you don't live in a nine to five world" always makes me think of a certain country singer's song

GK136 Swatch 1991  
Does it ever happen to you that you link one think to another memory?

Did you like it? Click here to check out more of my favourite things. 

Sep 2, 2013

MTF # 5 - Gráda - No linen no lace

I really love this particular song from Gráda's "Natural Angle" album, but like (a lot) many of these Irish band's other songs. 

Worth paying them a visit here . 

Sep 1, 2013

MFT # 4 - Bottles of wine

I'm not a wine buff. When I drink it, I either like it or not. Sometimes I drink red. Sometimes, white. And sometimes I get captivated by the packaging around the grapes. 

This is a selection of my 3 favourite bottles of wine from Lanzarote, where I am lucky enough to live at the moment. 


(click on each bottle to find out each wine's name - or if you know it, to visit their winery's website)

Aren't they pretty? Which one do you prefer?

Do you have another favourite bottle of wine?

Enjoyed it? May be you want to see more of my favourite things. 
Or just read the post that started it all, entitled (of course!) "These are a few of my favourite things".